
Journal Articles

Left Out: How Political Ideology Shapes Migrant Reception in Colombia” (with Margaret Peters, UCLA, and Yang-Yang Zhou, Dartmouth), 2024.  Journal of Politics.

Roadblocks: How Property Rights Undermine Development in Colombia,” American Journal of Political Science, 67(3): 639-655, 2023.

Making the Public Work: Geography, Externalities, and Preferences for Mass Infrastructure,” British Journal of Political Science, 53(3): 1041-60, 2023.

The Collusion Dilemma: Theory with Evidence from Informal Markets in Lagos, Nigeria” (with Shelby Grossman, Stanford University), World Development, 167(July): 106209, 2023.

Informalities: An Index Approach to Informal Work and Its Consequences” (with Calla Hummel), Introduction to Special Issue on the Politics of Informal Work, Latin American Politics & Society, 64(2): 1-20, 2022 (Special issue on the Politics of Informal Work).

A New Contract? The Joint Mobilization of Unionized and Contract Workers in Latin America,” Latin American Politics & Society, 64(2): 116-138, 2022.

“Explaining Migration Timing: Political Information and Opportunities” (with Margaret Peters), International Organization 74(3): 560-583, 2020.

“Imperfect Recall: The Politics of Subnational Office Removals in Peru” (with José Incio). Comparative Political Studies 52(2): 777-805, 2019.

Diminished Expectations: Redistributive Politics in Truncated Welfare States.World Politics 70(2): 555-594, October 2018.

Enforcement Process Tracing: Forbearance and Dilution in Urban Colombia and Turkey” (with Tugba Bozcaga). Studies in Comparative International Development 53(3): 300-323, August 2018 (Special issue).

Easy and Hard Redistribution: The Political Economy of Welfare States in Latin America” (with Ben Ross Schneider). Perspectives on Politics 15(4): 988-1006, December 2017.

Forbearance,American Political Science Review 110(2): 232-246, May 2016.

Beyond the Machine: Clientelistic Brokers and Interest Organizations in Latin America” (with Brian Palmer-Rubin), Comparative Political Studies 48(9): 1186-1223, August 2015.

The Distributive Politics of Enforcement,American Journal of Political Science 59(2): 357-371, April 2015.

Right on Crime? Conservative Party Politics and Mano Dura Policies in El Salvador,Latin American Research Review 48(1): 44-68, Spring 2013.

Book Chapters

Coercion Gaps,“ In The Politics of Institutional Weakness in Latin America (eds. Daniel Brinks, Steven Levitsky, María Victoria Murillo), Cambridge University Press, 2020: 119-140.

Insurgent Successor Parties: Scaling Down to Build a Party After War.” In Challenges of Party-Building in Latin America (eds. Brandon Van Dyck, James Loxton, Steven Levitsky, and Jorge Domínguez), Cambridge University Press, 2016: 273-304.

Working Papers & Projects

Contracting Politics: How Infrastructure Failed to Develop Latin America, book manuscript in preparation.

Contract Clientelism: How Infrastructure Contracts Fund Vote Buying” (with Will Freeman, Princeton University).

“Inhibitory Institutions.”

“Expertise Capture: How Institutions and Technocracy Failed in Peru.”

Other Publications

Why Colombia can’t build the infrastructure it needs,” Washington Post, “The Monkey Cage,” June 8, 2022.

Latin America’s floods have been rough. Bad housing policy helped make them deadly,” Vox April 12, 2017.

Why all the illegal street vending? Ask the mayor,” Washington Post, “The Monkey Cage,” June 30, 2014.

A Decade Under Chávez: Political Intolerance and Lost Opportunities for Advancing Human Rights in Venezuela,” Human Rights Watch Report, September 2008.